Takeout | Reservation 774-510-5103 | 774-510-5149
From the dawn of time man has been motivated by his quest for food and the perfect pairing drink to accompany it. Whether hunting and gathering the necessary ingredients or traveling hundreds of miles along trade routes for the perfect spices, the search for good food and drink has brought the world together to share their experiences. Technology and time have brought the world even closer with new cultures and experiences a few clicks or moments away. As we all travel along our own individual journeys, it's important to have a place to share with family and friends old or new, near or far. An atmosphere for experience and sharing. Good food and drink have always been the center piece of a great time, and Traveler's Alehouse aims to bring family and friends together as we all share those moments of togetherness and rest before you take the next comfortable step of a well tread path, or a carefree leap into the unknown.
Be sure to #travelersalehouse your adventures for those moments worth sharing.
The whole restaurant/building is outfitted with Philips UVC lights on smart timers. The lights turn on automatically every night and sanitize the building completely down.
EPA certified and COVID certified, protects surfaces in our restaurant up to 90 days, we re-coat every surface every 75 days and it is applied to every thing, windows, doors, handles, chairs, tables, booths, bathrooms.
Don't be afraid to write with our pens as they are the latest anti-microbial pens, Monahan Printing in Fairhaven, MA helped order them, please contact them if you're interested.
We refuse to compromise on quality in our restaurant. We will be using locally sourced fresh herbs and vegetables when possible. The same with our seafood, which will come from boats of Fairhaven and New Bedford.
Traveler’s Alehouse
111 Huttleston Avenue, Fairhaven, Massachusetts 02719, United States